Will's Wiggle

Hey Friends, meet William Luke McDonald. He was born August 16 at 8:31 pm. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21 inches long. Call him "Will."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Trip East for Christmas

My first flight. I'm ready to take the controls if necessary.

Me, mom, and my cool cousin McLain.

Aunt Ann holding me.

Here I am with Mr. McDonald.

Hanging out at grandmom's.


Grandmom. World's best lap.

I'm still quite bald.

Me and Mom ready for a party.

Dressed for Christmas dinner and the Eagles game.

Zen bath.

I was Christened at St. Lukes in Philadelphia. That's aunt Ann, Cousin David, Father Roger, me and Mom, and Dad.

These three goons do pretty much whatever I tell them.


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